Single-Threaded Single-Threaded

A collection of the most of the well known single-threaded (or very poorly threaded) benchmarks available via the Phoronix Test Suite.

See how your system performs with this suite using the Phoronix Test Suite. It's as easy as running the phoronix-test-suite benchmark single-threaded command..

Tests In This Suite

  • BenchmarkMutex

  •         Benchmark: Mutex Lock Unlock std::mutex
  •         Benchmark: Mutex Lock Unlock std::mutex
  •         Benchmark: Mutex Lock Unlock pthread_mutex
  •         Benchmark: Mutex Lock Unlock ticket_spinlock
  •         Benchmark: Mutex Lock Unlock spinlock
  •         Benchmark: Mutex Lock Unlock spinlock_amd
  •         Benchmark: Shared Mutex Lock Shared
  •         Benchmark: Semaphore Release And Acquire
  • BLAKE2

  • Bork File Encrypter

  • Botan

  •         Test: AES-256
  •         Test: Blowfish
  •         Test: CAST-256
  •         Test: KASUMI
  •         Test: Twofish
  •         Test: ChaCha20Poly1305
  • BYTE Unix Benchmark

  •         Computational Test: Dhrystone 2
  •         Computational Test: Whetstone Double
  •         Computational Test: System Call
  •         Computational Test: Pipe
  • CacheBench

  •         Test: Read
  •         Test: Write
  •         Test: Read / Modify / Write
  • CppPerformanceBenchmarks

  •         Test: Stepanov Abstraction
  •         Test: Stepanov Vector
  •         Test: Function Objects
  •         Test: Atol
  •         Test: Ctype
  •         Test: Math Library
  •         Test: Random Numbers
  • dcraw

  • DeepSpeech

  •         Acceleration: CPU
  • eSpeak-NG Speech Engine

  • Fhourstones

  • FLAC Audio Encoding

  • Git

  • Glibc Benchmarks

  •         Benchmark: ffsll
  •         Benchmark: ffs
  •         Benchmark: pthread_once
  •         Benchmark: tanh
  •         Benchmark: sqrt
  •         Benchmark: sin
  •         Benchmark: cos
  •         Benchmark: asinh
  •         Benchmark: atanh
  •         Benchmark: sincos
  •         Benchmark: sinh
  •         Benchmark: modf
  •         Benchmark: exp
  •         Benchmark: log2
  •         Benchmark: pow
  • GNU GMP GMPbench

  • GnuPG

  • Gzip Compression

  • Hierarchical INTegration

  •         Test: FLOAT
  • Inkscape

  •         Operation: SVG Files To PNG
  • Java SciMark

  •         Computational Test: Composite
  •         Computational Test: Fast Fourier Transform
  •         Computational Test: Jacobi Successive Over-Relaxation
  •         Computational Test: Monte Carlo
  •         Computational Test: Sparse Matrix Multiply
  •         Computational Test: Dense LU Matrix Factorization
  • LAME MP3 Encoding

  • libjpeg-turbo tjbench

  •         Test: Decompression Throughput
  • LuaJIT

  •         Test: Composite
  •         Test: Fast Fourier Transform
  •         Test: Jacobi Successive Over-Relaxation
  •         Test: Monte Carlo
  •         Test: Sparse Matrix Multiply
  •         Test: Dense LU Matrix Factorization
  • lzbench

  •         Test: Zstd 1
  •         Test: Zstd 8
  •         Test: Brotli 0
  •         Test: Brotli 2
  •         Test: Libdeflate 1
  •         Test: XZ 0
  •         Test: Crush 0
  • Minion

  •         Benchmark: Graceful
  •         Benchmark: Quasigroup
  •         Benchmark: Solitaire
  • Multichase Pointer Chaser

  •         Test: 256MB Array, 256 Byte Stride
  •         Test: 4MB Array, 64 Byte Stride
  •         Test: 1GB Array, 256 Byte Stride
  •         Test: 1GB Array, 256 Byte Stride, 2 Threads
  •         Test: 1GB Array, 256 Byte Stride, 4 Threads
  • nginx

  •         Connections: 1
  •         Connections: 20
  •         Connections: 100
  •         Connections: 200
  •         Connections: 500
  •         Connections: 1000
  •         Connections: 4000
  • Node.js Express HTTP Load Test

  • Node.js Octane Benchmark

  • Numpy Benchmark

  • Ogg Audio Encoding

  • OpenCV Benchmark

  • Optcarrot

  • Perl Benchmarks

  •         Test: Pod2html
  •         Test: Interpreter
  • PHPBench

  • PolyBench-C

  •         Test: 3 Matrix Multiplications
  •         Test: Correlation Computation
  •         Test: Covariance Computation
  • Polyhedron Fortran Benchmarks

  •         Benchmark: ac
  •         Benchmark: aermod
  •         Benchmark: air
  •         Benchmark: capacita
  •         Benchmark: channel2
  •         Benchmark: doduc
  •         Benchmark: fatigue2
  •         Benchmark: gas_dyn2
  •         Benchmark: induct2
  •         Benchmark: linpk
  •         Benchmark: mdbx
  •         Benchmark: mp_prop_design
  •         Benchmark: protein
  •         Benchmark: rnflow
  •         Benchmark: test_fpu2
  •         Benchmark: tfft2
  • PyBench

  • R Benchmark

  • Radiance Benchmark

  •         Test: Serial
  • Redis

  •         Test: SET - Parallel Connections: 50
  •         Test: SET - Parallel Connections: 500
  •         Test: SET - Parallel Connections: 1000
  •         Test: GET - Parallel Connections: 50
  •         Test: GET - Parallel Connections: 500
  •         Test: GET - Parallel Connections: 1000
  •         Test: LPUSH - Parallel Connections: 50
  •         Test: LPUSH - Parallel Connections: 500
  •         Test: LPUSH - Parallel Connections: 1000
  •         Test: LPOP - Parallel Connections: 50
  •         Test: LPOP - Parallel Connections: 500
  •         Test: LPOP - Parallel Connections: 1000
  •         Test: SADD - Parallel Connections: 50
  •         Test: SADD - Parallel Connections: 500
  •         Test: SADD - Parallel Connections: 1000
  • SciMark

  •         Computational Test: Composite
  •         Computational Test: Fast Fourier Transform
  •         Computational Test: Jacobi Successive Over-Relaxation
  •         Computational Test: Monte Carlo
  •         Computational Test: Sparse Matrix Multiply
  •         Computational Test: Dense LU Matrix Factorization
  • Sudokut

  • Swet

  • System Libxml2 Parsing

  •         Filesize: 5 KB
  •         Filesize: 50 KB
  •         Filesize: 100 KB
  •         Filesize: 150 KB
  •         Filesize: 200 KB
  •         Filesize: 250 KB
  •         Filesize: 300 KB
  •         Filesize: 350 KB
  •         Filesize: 400 KB
  •         Filesize: 450 KB
  •         Filesize: 500 KB
  •         Filesize: 550 KB
  •         Filesize: 600 KB
  •         Filesize: 650 KB
  •         Filesize: 700 KB
  •         Filesize: 750 KB
  •         Filesize: 800 KB
  •         Filesize: 850 KB
  •         Filesize: 900 KB
  •         Filesize: 950 KB
  •         Filesize: 1 MB
  •         Filesize: 2 MB
  •         Filesize: 3 MB
  •         Filesize: 112 MB
  • Tesseract OCR

Revision History Revision History

pts/single-threaded-1.0.0     Wed, 08 Apr 2020 12:21:34 GMT
Add known single-threaded tests to this test suite to complement the multicore test suite.