Processors / CPUs

Below is a look at recent featured comparisons by the community for this category. Find more processor performance data/benchmarks via the processor listing page. Results Compare

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  1. Popular Processor Tests

  2. LeelaChessZero
  3. Cpuminer-Opt
  4. Stockfish
  5. oneDNN
  6. Xmrig
  7. C-Blosc
  8. OpenSSL
  9. Intel Open Image Denoise
  10. SVT-AV1
  11. LZ4 Compression
  1. New/Updated Processor Tests

  2. WarpX
  3. Epoch
  4. BYTE Unix Benchmark
  5. Build2
  6. Z3 Theorem Prover
  7. ArrayFire
  8. NAMD
  9. Cpuminer-Opt
  10. 7-Zip Compression
  11. Timed Mesa Compilation