NCNN NCNN is a high performance neural network inference framework optimized for mobile and other platforms developed by Tencent.
To run this test with the Phoronix Test Suite , the basic command is: phoronix-test-suite benchmark ncnn .
Test Created 18 September 2020
Last Updated 29 December 2024
Test Type System
Average Install Time 1 Minute, 27 Seconds
Average Run Time 20 Minutes, 48 Seconds
Test Dependencies CMake + C/C++ Compiler Toolchain + Vulkan
Accolades 70k+ Downloads Public Result Uploads * Reported Installs ** Reported Test Completions ** Test Profile Page Views *** Events NCNN Popularity Statistics pts/ncnn 2020.09 2020.11 2021.01 2021.03 2021.05 2021.07 2021.09 2021.11 2022.01 2022.03 2022.05 2022.07 2022.09 2022.11 2023.01 2023.03 2023.05 2023.07 2023.09 2023.11 2024.01 2024.03 2024.05 2024.07 2024.09 2024.11 2025.01 7K 14K 21K 28K 35K
* Uploading of benchmark result data to is always optional (opt-in) via the Phoronix Test Suite for users wishing to share their results publicly. ** Data based on those opting to upload their test results to and users enabling the opt-in anonymous statistics reporting while running benchmarks from an Internet-connected platform. *** Test profile page view reporting began March 2021. Data updated weekly as of 16 February 2025.
CPU 57.5% Vulkan GPU 42.5% Target Option Popularity
alexnet 5.6% vision_transformer 5.6% mobilenetv2-yolov3 5.5% squeezenet_ssd 5.6% shufflenet-v2 5.6% FastestDet 5.6% vgg16 5.6% efficientnet-b0 5.6% regnety_400m 5.6% mnasnet 5.6% mobilenet-v3 5.6% mobilenet-v2 5.6% yolov4-tiny 5.6% googlenet 5.6% resnet18 5.6% blazeface 5.6% resnet50 5.6% mobilenet 5.6% Model Option Popularity
Revision Historypts/ncnn-1.6.0 [View Source ] Sun, 29 Dec 2024 10:47:25 GMT Update against NCNN 20241226.
pts/ncnn-1.5.0 [View Source ] Tue, 01 Aug 2023 11:49:36 GMT Update against latest upstream.
pts/ncnn-1.4.0 [View Source ] Sat, 13 Aug 2022 09:59:41 GMT Update against NCNN 20220729 upstream.
pts/ncnn-1.3.0 [View Source ] Tue, 27 Jul 2021 16:34:42 GMT Update against NCNN 2021-07-20 upstream, fix possible Vulkan build issue by including glslang source tree.
pts/ncnn-1.2.0 [View Source ] Fri, 18 Jun 2021 08:11:33 GMT Update against NCNN 20210525 release.
pts/ncnn-1.1.0 [View Source ] Fri, 18 Dec 2020 08:06:41 GMT Update against new upstream NCNN 20201218.
pts/ncnn-1.0.3 [View Source ] Fri, 25 Sep 2020 06:36:39 GMT Drop int8 tests per
pts/ncnn-1.0.2 [View Source ] Thu, 24 Sep 2020 12:52:47 GMT Expose Vulkan GPU support.
pts/ncnn-1.0.1 [View Source ] Fri, 18 Sep 2020 12:28:10 GMT Increase the run count.
pts/ncnn-1.0.0 [View Source ] Fri, 18 Sep 2020 11:58:15 GMT Initial commit of Tencent NCNN.
Performance MetricsAnalyze Test Configuration: pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: CPU - Model: alexnet pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: CPU - Model: vision_transformer pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: CPU - Model: shufflenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: CPU - Model: vgg16 pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: CPU - Model: efficientnet-b0 pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: CPU - Model: mnasnet pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: CPUv2-yolov3v2-yolov3 - Model: mobilenetv2-yolov3 pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3 - Model: mobilenet-v3 pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: CPU - Model: regnety_400m pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: CPU-v2-v2 - Model: mobilenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: CPU - Model: yolov4-tiny pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: CPU - Model: googlenet pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: CPU - Model: blazeface pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: CPU - Model: resnet50 pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: CPU - Model: mobilenet pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: CPU - Model: squeezenet_ssd pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: CPU - Model: FastestDet pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: CPU - Model: resnet18 pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: squeezenet_ssd pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: FastestDet pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: regnety_400m pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: efficientnet-b0 pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3 - Model: mobilenet-v3 pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: vgg16 pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: alexnet pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: googlenet pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: resnet18 pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: vision_transformer pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v2-v2 - Model: mobilenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: yolov4-tiny pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: blazeface pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: mnasnet pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: resnet50 pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: shufflenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: mobilenet pts/ncnn-1.6.x - Target: Vulkan GPUv2-yolov3v2-yolov3 - Model: mobilenetv2-yolov3 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU - Model: googlenet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU - Model: squeezenet_ssd pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU - Model: efficientnet-b0 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU - Model: alexnet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU - Model: regnety_400m pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU - Model: resnet18 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU - Model: mobilenet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU - Model: shufflenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU - Model: vgg16 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU - Model: resnet50 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v2-v2 - Model: mobilenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU - Model: blazeface pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU - Model: vision_transformer pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3 - Model: mobilenet-v3 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU - Model: mnasnet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU - Model: FastestDet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU - Model: yolov4-tiny pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: yolov4-tiny pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: resnet18 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: shufflenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: resnet50 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v2-v2 - Model: mobilenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: mobilenet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: squeezenet_ssd pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: alexnet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: efficientnet-b0 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: regnety_400m pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: vision_transformer pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: googlenet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: mnasnet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: vgg16 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: blazeface pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: FastestDet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3 - Model: mobilenet-v3 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPUv2-yolov3v2-yolov3 - Model: mobilenetv2-yolov3 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3 - Model: alexnet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3 - Model: vision_transformer pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3 - Model: resnet50 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3 - Model: vgg16 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3 - Model: efficientnet-b0 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3 - Model: squeezenet_ssd pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v2-v2 - Model: mobilenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3 - Model: mnasnet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3 - Model: blazeface pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3 - Model: googlenet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3 - Model: mobilenet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3 - Model: yolov4-tiny pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3 - Model: resnet18 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3 - Model: shufflenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3 - Model: FastestDet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPUv2-yolov3v2-yolov3 - Model: mobilenetv2-yolov3 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3 - Model: alexnet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3 - Model: resnet50 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3 - Model: blazeface pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3 - Model: vgg16 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3 - Model: mnasnet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3 - Model: shufflenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3 - Model: vision_transformer pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3 - Model: regnety_400m pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3 - Model: efficientnet-b0 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3 - Model: resnet18 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3 - Model: googlenet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3 - Model: mobilenet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3-v2-v2 - Model: mobilenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3 - Model: yolov4-tiny pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3 - Model: squeezenet_ssd pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3 - Model: FastestDet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3 - Model: regnety_400m pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: mobilenet-v3 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: mobilenet-v3 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: shufflenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: alexnet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: vision_transformer pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: mobilenet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: resnet18 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: efficientnet-b0 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: regnety_400m pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: googlenet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v2-v2 - Model: mobilenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: squeezenet_ssd pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: blazeface pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: FastestDet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: mnasnet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: vgg16 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: resnet50 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: yolov4-tiny pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: mobilenet-v3 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: vgg16 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: regnety_400m pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: yolov4-tiny pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: mobilenet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: efficientnet-b0 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: FastestDet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: resnet50 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: shufflenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: alexnet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: vision_transformer pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: resnet18 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: blazeface pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: mobilenet-v3 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: googlenet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v2-v2 - Model: mobilenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: mnasnet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: squeezenet_ssd pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: yolov4-tiny pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: vgg16 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: resnet18 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v2-v2 - Model: mobilenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: FastestDet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: mnasnet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: shufflenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: efficientnet-b0 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: mobilenet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: resnet50 pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: blazeface pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: squeezenet_ssd pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: regnety_400m pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: googlenet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: alexnet pts/ncnn-1.5.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3-v3 - Model: vision_transformer pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: CPU - Model: vision_transformer pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: CPU - Model: resnet50 pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: CPU - Model: vgg16 pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: CPU - Model: resnet18 pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: CPU - Model: mobilenet pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: CPU - Model: alexnet pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: CPU - Model: squeezenet_ssd pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: CPU - Model: yolov4-tiny pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: CPU - Model: regnety_400m pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: CPU - Model: googlenet pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: CPU - Model: efficientnet-b0 pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: CPU-v2-v2 - Model: mobilenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: CPU - Model: blazeface pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: CPU - Model: shufflenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3 - Model: mobilenet-v3 pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: CPU - Model: mnasnet pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: CPU - Model: FastestDet pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: efficientnet-b0 pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: vision_transformer pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v2-v2 - Model: mobilenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: mobilenet pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: shufflenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: yolov4-tiny pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: alexnet pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: blazeface pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: vgg16 pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: regnety_400m pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3 - Model: mobilenet-v3 pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: resnet18 pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: mnasnet pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: googlenet pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: FastestDet pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: resnet50 pts/ncnn-1.4.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: squeezenet_ssd pts/ncnn-1.3.x - Target: CPU - Model: resnet50 pts/ncnn-1.3.x - Target: CPU - Model: squeezenet_ssd pts/ncnn-1.3.x - Target: CPU - Model: mobilenet pts/ncnn-1.3.x - Target: CPU - Model: vgg16 pts/ncnn-1.3.x - Target: CPU - Model: alexnet pts/ncnn-1.3.x - Target: CPU - Model: yolov4-tiny pts/ncnn-1.3.x - Target: CPU - Model: resnet18 pts/ncnn-1.3.x - Target: CPU - Model: shufflenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.3.x - Target: CPU - Model: regnety_400m pts/ncnn-1.3.x - Target: CPU-v2-v2 - Model: mobilenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.3.x - Target: CPU - Model: efficientnet-b0 pts/ncnn-1.3.x - Target: CPU - Model: mnasnet pts/ncnn-1.3.x - Target: CPU - Model: googlenet pts/ncnn-1.3.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3 - Model: mobilenet-v3 pts/ncnn-1.3.x - Target: CPU - Model: blazeface pts/ncnn-1.3.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: vgg16 pts/ncnn-1.3.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: alexnet pts/ncnn-1.3.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: resnet50 pts/ncnn-1.3.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: squeezenet_ssd pts/ncnn-1.3.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: yolov4-tiny pts/ncnn-1.3.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: regnety_400m pts/ncnn-1.3.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: resnet18 pts/ncnn-1.3.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: efficientnet-b0 pts/ncnn-1.3.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3 - Model: mobilenet-v3 pts/ncnn-1.3.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: mnasnet pts/ncnn-1.3.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: googlenet pts/ncnn-1.3.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v2-v2 - Model: mobilenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.3.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: shufflenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.3.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: blazeface pts/ncnn-1.3.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: mobilenet pts/ncnn-1.2.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3 - Model: mobilenet-v3 pts/ncnn-1.2.x - Target: CPU - Model: resnet18 pts/ncnn-1.2.x - Target: CPU-v2-v2 - Model: mobilenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.2.x - Target: CPU - Model: vgg16 pts/ncnn-1.2.x - Target: CPU - Model: efficientnet-b0 pts/ncnn-1.2.x - Target: CPU - Model: resnet50 pts/ncnn-1.2.x - Target: CPU - Model: blazeface pts/ncnn-1.2.x - Target: CPU - Model: googlenet pts/ncnn-1.2.x - Target: CPU - Model: yolov4-tiny pts/ncnn-1.2.x - Target: CPU - Model: mobilenet pts/ncnn-1.2.x - Target: CPU - Model: squeezenet_ssd pts/ncnn-1.2.x - Target: CPU - Model: mnasnet pts/ncnn-1.2.x - Target: CPU - Model: alexnet pts/ncnn-1.2.x - Target: CPU - Model: shufflenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.2.x - Target: CPU - Model: regnety_400m pts/ncnn-1.2.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: vgg16 pts/ncnn-1.2.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: mobilenet pts/ncnn-1.2.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: resnet50 pts/ncnn-1.2.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: googlenet pts/ncnn-1.2.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: efficientnet-b0 pts/ncnn-1.2.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: regnety_400m pts/ncnn-1.2.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: squeezenet_ssd pts/ncnn-1.2.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v2-v2 - Model: mobilenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.2.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: blazeface pts/ncnn-1.2.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: alexnet pts/ncnn-1.2.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: shufflenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.2.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3 - Model: mobilenet-v3 pts/ncnn-1.2.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: resnet18 pts/ncnn-1.2.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: mnasnet pts/ncnn-1.2.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: yolov4-tiny pts/ncnn-1.1.x - Target: CPU - Model: efficientnet-b0 pts/ncnn-1.1.x - Target: CPU - Model: resnet50 pts/ncnn-1.1.x - Target: CPU - Model: mobilenet pts/ncnn-1.1.x - Target: CPU - Model: vgg16 pts/ncnn-1.1.x - Target: CPU - Model: squeezenet_ssd pts/ncnn-1.1.x - Target: CPU - Model: alexnet pts/ncnn-1.1.x - Target: CPU - Model: googlenet pts/ncnn-1.1.x - Target: CPU-v2-v2 - Model: mobilenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.1.x - Target: CPU - Model: resnet18 pts/ncnn-1.1.x - Target: CPU - Model: regnety_400m pts/ncnn-1.1.x - Target: CPU - Model: shufflenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.1.x - Target: CPU - Model: mnasnet pts/ncnn-1.1.x - Target: CPU - Model: yolov4-tiny pts/ncnn-1.1.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3 - Model: mobilenet-v3 pts/ncnn-1.1.x - Target: CPU - Model: blazeface pts/ncnn-1.1.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: regnety_400m pts/ncnn-1.1.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: resnet50 pts/ncnn-1.1.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: alexnet pts/ncnn-1.1.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: resnet18 pts/ncnn-1.1.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: yolov4-tiny pts/ncnn-1.1.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: vgg16 pts/ncnn-1.1.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: efficientnet-b0 pts/ncnn-1.1.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: shufflenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.1.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: blazeface pts/ncnn-1.1.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: googlenet pts/ncnn-1.1.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: mnasnet pts/ncnn-1.1.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: mobilenet pts/ncnn-1.1.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v2-v2 - Model: mobilenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.1.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3 - Model: mobilenet-v3 pts/ncnn-1.1.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: squeezenet_ssd pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: CPU - Model: squeezenet pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: CPU - Model: alexnet pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: CPU - Model: mnasnet pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: CPU - Model: blazeface pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: CPU - Model: yolov4-tiny pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: CPU - Model: resnet18 pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: CPU - Model: resnet50 pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: CPU - Model: mobilenet pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: CPU - Model: googlenet pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: CPU-v2-v2 - Model: mobilenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: CPU-v3-v3 - Model: mobilenet-v3 pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: CPU - Model: efficientnet-b0 pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: CPU - Model: vgg16 pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: CPU - Model: shufflenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: alexnet pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: yolov4-tiny pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: efficientnet-b0 pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: resnet50 pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v3-v3 - Model: mobilenet-v3 pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: vgg16 pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: mobilenet pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: squeezenet pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: resnet18 pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: shufflenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: mnasnet pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: googlenet pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: Vulkan GPU-v2-v2 - Model: mobilenet-v2 pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: Vulkan GPU - Model: blazeface pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: CPU - Model: googlenet_int8 pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: CPU - Model: vgg16_int8 pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: CPU - Model: squeezenet_int8 pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: CPU - Model: resnet18_int8 pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: CPU - Model: resnet50_int8 pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: CPU - Model: mobilenet_v3 pts/ncnn-1.0.x - Target: CPU - Model: mobilenetv2_yolov3 NCNN 20241226 Target: CPU - Model: alexnet metrics for this test profile configuration based on 73 public results since 29 December 2024 with the latest data as of 29 January 2025 .
Below is an overview of the generalized performance for components where there is sufficient statistically significant data based upon user-uploaded results. It is important to keep in mind particularly in the Linux/open-source space there can be vastly different OS configurations, with this overview intended to offer just general guidance as to the performance expectations.
Percentile Rank
# Compatible Public Results
ms (Average)
Detailed Performance Overview Distribution Of Public Results - Target: CPU - Model: alexnet 73 Results Range From 2 To 58 ms 2 7 12 17 22 27 32 37 42 47 52 57 62 10 20 30 40 50
Based on data, the selected test / test configuration (NCNN 20241226 - Target: CPU - Model: alexnet ) has an average run-time of 15 minutes . By default this test profile is set to run at least 3 times but may increase if the standard deviation exceeds pre-defined defaults or other calculations deem additional runs necessary for greater statistical accuracy of the result. Minutes Time Required To Complete Benchmark Target: CPU - Model: alexnet Run-Time 7 14 21 28 35 Min: 2 / Avg: 14.67 / Max: 32
Notable Instruction Set Usage Notable instruction set extensions supported by this test, based on an automatic analysis by the Phoronix Test Suite / analytics engine.
Instruction Set
Instructions Detected
Used by default on supported hardware.
Used by default on supported hardware. Found on Intel processors since Sandy Bridge (2011). Found on AMD processors since Bulldozer (2011).
Used by default on supported hardware. Found on Intel processors since Haswell (2013). Found on AMD processors since Excavator (2016).
Advanced Vector Extensions 512 (AVX512)
Used by default on supported hardware.
Used by default on supported hardware. Found on Intel processors since Haswell (2013). Found on AMD processors since Bulldozer (2011).
AVX Vector Neural Network Instructions (AVX-VNNI)
Requires passing a supported compiler/build flag (verified with targets: tigerlake, cascadelake).
The test / benchmark does honor compiler flag changes.
Last automated analysis: 18 September 2023
This test profile binary relies on the shared libraries,,, .
Tested CPU Architectures This benchmark has been successfully tested on the below mentioned architectures. The CPU architectures listed is where successful result uploads occurred, namely for helping to determine if a given test is compatible with various alternative CPU architectures.
CPU Architecture
Kernel Identifier
Verified On
Intel / AMD x86 64-bit
(Many Processors)
ARMv8 64-bit
ARMv8 Cortex-A76 4-Core, ARMv8 Neoverse-N1 128-Core
Recent Test Results
1 System - 44 Benchmark Results
AMD Ryzen 7 5800XT 8-Core - ASRock X570 Phantom Gaming 4 - AMD Starship
Ubuntu 24.10 - 6.13.0-061300-generic - GNOME Shell 47.0
1 System - 215 Benchmark Results
AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core - ASUS PRIME X570-PRO - AMD Starship
Arch rolling - 6.12.10-zen1-1-zen - X Server
1 System - 284 Benchmark Results
2 x AMD EPYC 9274F 24-Core - ASUS ESC8000A-E12 K14PG-D24 - AMD Device 14a4
Ubuntu 22.04 - 6.8.0-51-generic - X Server
3 Systems - 91 Benchmark Results
ARMv8 Cortex-A76 - Raspberry Pi 5 Model B Rev 1.1 - Broadcom BCM2712
Debian 12 - 6.6.63-v8-16k+ - X Server
2 Systems - 82 Benchmark Results
AMD EPYC 4124P 4-Core - Supermicro AS-3015A-I H13SAE-MF v1.00 - AMD Device 14d8
Ubuntu 24.04 - 6.12.2-061202-generic - GNOME Shell 45.3
3 Systems - 94 Benchmark Results
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K - ASUS ROG MAXIMUS Z890 HERO - Intel Device ae7f
Ubuntu 24.10 - 6.11.0-13-generic - GNOME Shell 47.0
5 Systems - 82 Benchmark Results
AMD EPYC 9655P 96-Core - Supermicro Super Server H13SSL-N v1.01 - AMD 1Ah
Ubuntu 24.10 - 6.13.0-rc4-phx-stock - GNOME Shell 47.0
1 System - 36 Benchmark Results
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core - MSI B550 GAMING GEN3 - AMD Starship
Ubuntu 24.04 - 6.8.0-51-generic - GNOME Shell 46.0
5 Systems - 286 Benchmark Results
6 Systems - 286 Benchmark Results
Intel Core i7-1260P - 40GB - 0GB Virtual Disk + 275GB Virtual Disk + 1100GB Virtual Disk
Arch Linux - - X Server + Wayland
3 Systems - 48 Benchmark Results
Intel Core i7-1280P - MSI Prestige 14Evo A12M MS-14C6 - Intel Alder Lake PCH
Ubuntu 24.10 - 6.11.0-rc6-phx - GNOME Shell 47.0
3 Systems - 48 Benchmark Results
Intel Core Ultra 7 155H - MTL Swift SFG14-72T Coral_MTH - Intel Device 7e7f
Ubuntu 24.10 - 6.11.0-rc6-phx - GNOME Shell 47.0
3 Systems - 219 Benchmark Results
2 x AMD EPYC 9684X 96-Core - AMD Titanite_4G - AMD Device 14a4
Ubuntu 24.10 - 6.11.0-13-generic - GNOME Shell 47.0
4 Systems - 48 Benchmark Results
AMD Ryzen AI 9 365 - ASUS Zenbook S 16 UM5606WA_UM5606WA UM5606WA v1.0 - AMD Device 1507
Ubuntu 24.10 - 6.12.0-rc7-phx-eraps - GNOME Shell 47.0
4 Systems - 48 Benchmark Results
ARMv8 Neoverse-N1 - System76 Thelio Astra - Ampere Computing LLC Altra PCI Root Complex A
Ubuntu 24.04 - 6.8.0-48-generic-64k - GNOME Shell 46.0
Most Popular Test Results
3 Systems - 48 Benchmark Results
AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 - ASUS Zenbook S 16 UM5606WA_UM5606WA UM5606WA v1.0 - AMD Device 1507
Ubuntu 24.10 - 6.11.0-rc6-phx - GNOME Shell 47.0
3 Systems - 48 Benchmark Results
Intel Core Ultra 7 155H - MTL Swift SFG14-72T Coral_MTH - Intel Device 7e7f
Ubuntu 24.10 - 6.11.0-rc6-phx - GNOME Shell 47.0
3 Systems - 48 Benchmark Results
Intel Core i7-1280P - MSI Prestige 14Evo A12M MS-14C6 - Intel Alder Lake PCH
Ubuntu 24.10 - 6.11.0-rc6-phx - GNOME Shell 47.0
4 Systems - 48 Benchmark Results
Intel Core Ultra 9 285K - ASUS ROG MAXIMUS Z890 HERO - Intel Device ae7f
Ubuntu 24.10 - 6.11.0-13-generic - GNOME Shell 47.0
4 Systems - 48 Benchmark Results
Intel Core Ultra 7 256V - ASUS Zenbook S 14 UX5406SA_UX5406SA UX5406SA v1.0 - Intel Device a87f
Ubuntu 24.10 - 6.12.0-rc6-phx-drm-next - GNOME Shell 47.0
3 Systems - 219 Benchmark Results
2 x AMD EPYC 9684X 96-Core - AMD Titanite_4G - AMD Device 14a4
Ubuntu 24.10 - 6.11.0-13-generic - GNOME Shell 47.0
3 Systems - 48 Benchmark Results
AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS - Framework Laptop 16 - AMD Device 14e8
Ubuntu 24.04 - 6.8.0-49-generic - GNOME Shell 46.0
2 Systems - 30 Benchmark Results
2 x AMD EPYC 9654 96-Core - AMD Titanite_4G - AMD Device 14a4
Ubuntu 24.10 - 6.11.0-13-generic - GNOME Shell 47.0
4 Systems - 48 Benchmark Results
ARMv8 Neoverse-N1 - System76 Thelio Astra - Ampere Computing LLC Altra PCI Root Complex A
Ubuntu 24.04 - 6.8.0-48-generic-64k - GNOME Shell 46.0
4 Systems - 48 Benchmark Results
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X 16-Core - ASRock X870E Taichi - AMD Device 14d8
Ubuntu 24.04 - 6.12.3-061203-generic - GNOME Shell 46.0
4 Systems - 48 Benchmark Results
AMD Ryzen Threadripper 7980X 64-Cores - System76 Thelio Major - AMD Device 14a4
Ubuntu 24.04 - 6.12.3-061203-generic - GNOME Shell 46.0
4 Systems - 48 Benchmark Results
AMD Ryzen AI 9 365 - ASUS Zenbook S 16 UM5606WA_UM5606WA UM5606WA v1.0 - AMD Device 1507
Ubuntu 24.10 - 6.12.0-rc7-phx-eraps - GNOME Shell 47.0
2 Systems - 30 Benchmark Results
2 x AMD EPYC 9654 96-Core - AMD Titanite_4G - AMD Device 14a4
Ubuntu 24.10 - 6.11.0-13-generic - GNOME Shell 47.0
5 Systems - 82 Benchmark Results
AMD EPYC 9655P 96-Core - Supermicro Super Server H13SSL-N v1.01 - AMD 1Ah
Ubuntu 24.10 - 6.13.0-rc4-phx-stock - GNOME Shell 47.0
2 Systems - 82 Benchmark Results
AMD EPYC 4124P 4-Core - Supermicro AS-3015A-I H13SAE-MF v1.00 - AMD Device 14d8
Ubuntu 24.04 - 6.12.2-061202-generic - GNOME Shell 45.3