AMD EPYC 72F3 Performance Benchmarks

AMD EPYC 72F3 Linux benchmarks by Michael Larabel for a article.

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AMD EPYC 72F3 Performance BenchmarksOpenBenchmarking.orgPhoronix Test SuiteAMD EPYC 7F32 8-Core @ 3.70GHz (8 Cores / 16 Threads)AMD EPYC 72F3 8-Core @ 3.70GHz (8 Cores / 16 Threads)Supermicro H12SSL-i v1.01 (2.0 BIOS)AMD Starship/Matisse8 x 16 GB DDR4-3200MT/s 18ASF2G72PDZ-3G2E13841GB Micron_9300_MTFDHAL3T8TDPASPEED2 x Broadcom NetXtreme BCM5720 2-port PCIeUbuntu (x86_64)GNOME Shell 3.38.4X Server 11.0.1 20210413ext41024x768ProcessorsMotherboardChipsetMemoryDiskGraphicsNetworkOSKernelDesktopDisplay ServerVulkanCompilerFile-SystemScreen ResolutionAMD EPYC 72F3 Performance BenchmarksSystem Logs- Transparent Huge Pages: madvise- --disable-multilib --enable-checking=release- EPYC 7F32: Scaling Governor: acpi-cpufreq performance (Boost: Enabled) - CPU Microcode: 0x830104d - EPYC 72F3: Scaling Governor: acpi-cpufreq performance (Boost: Enabled) - CPU Microcode: 0xa001119 - Python 3.9.4- EPYC 7F32: itlb_multihit: Not affected + l1tf: Not affected + mds: Not affected + meltdown: Not affected + spec_store_bypass: Mitigation of SSB disabled via prctl and seccomp + spectre_v1: Mitigation of usercopy/swapgs barriers and __user pointer sanitization + spectre_v2: Mitigation of Full AMD retpoline IBPB: conditional IBRS_FW STIBP: conditional RSB filling + srbds: Not affected + tsx_async_abort: Not affected - EPYC 72F3: itlb_multihit: Not affected + l1tf: Not affected + mds: Not affected + meltdown: Not affected + spec_store_bypass: Mitigation of SSB disabled via prctl and seccomp + spectre_v1: Mitigation of usercopy/swapgs barriers and __user pointer sanitization + spectre_v2: Mitigation of Full AMD retpoline IBPB: conditional IBRS_FW STIBP: always-on RSB filling + srbds: Not affected + tsx_async_abort: Not affected

EPYC 7F32 vs. EPYC 72F3 ComparisonPhoronix Test SuiteBaseline+21.5%+21.5%+43%+43%+64.5%+64.5%85.8%65%62.5%56.1%51.9%50.5%38.3%33.4%33.3%33%32.7%32.2%31.8%31.5%28.9%27.9%27.5%27.4%27.1%27.1%26.8%26.8%26.3%26.2%26.1%25.5%25%24.9%24.6%24.5%24.4%24.2%23.3%23%22.9%22.8%22.5%22.3%22.3%22%21.6%20.8%19.5%19.5%19.2%18.9%18.3%18.2%17.9%17.7%17.6%17.3%16.9%16.9%16.7%16.6%15.8%15.4%15.2%15%14.9%14.6%14.5%14.4%14%13.6%13.1%12.6%12.5%12.4%12.3%12.2%12.2%12%11.8%11.7%11.5%11.4%11.2%11.2%11.1%11.1%11.1%11%10.9%10.9%10.8%10.5%10.2%10.2%10.1%10.1%10.1%9.9%9.8%9.8%9.6%9.5%9.5%9.4%9.2%9.1%9%9%8.9%8.8%8.8%8.7%8.4%8.4%8.3%8%7.8%7.7%7.7%7.7%7.7%7.2%7.2%6.7%6.5%6.3%6.1%5.6%5.6%5.4%5.1%4.5%2.9%AlexNet - CPU - 100GoogleNet - CPU - 100No - Inference - ResNet 50 - CPUtConvolve OpenMP - GriddingtConvolve OpenMP - DegriddingtConvolve MT - GriddingSecureMark-TLSSpeed 9 Realtime - Bosphorus 4KM.R - Path TracerZ.C.1tConvolve MT - DegriddingDistinctUserIDSpeed 8 Realtime - Bosphorus 4KPathtracer ISPC - Asian DragonPathtracer ISPC - Asian Dragon ObjM.R - SciVisPathtracer - Asian DragonPathtracer - Asian Dragon ObjKostya16 - 25016 - 250Pathtracer ISPC - CrownU.3.Z.C.1vklBenchmarkPartialTweetsDanish Mood - CPUExhaustive4 - 10000 - 2,5000,1 - 1000064 - 10000 - 2,5000,1 - 10000AES-256 - DecryptSan Miguel - Path TracerLargeRandT.F.A.T.TAES-256Motorbike 30MNASNet MobileWAV To MP3L.E.HPathtracer - CrownThoroughMedium8 - 2508 - 250P.B.SXFrog Forest - Path Tracer32 - 25032 - 250Bosphorus 4KXFrog Forest - SciVisBosphorus 1080pWAV To FLACUASTC 3LuxCore Benchmark - CPUSan Miguel - SciVisD.TNASA Streamlines - Path TracerEnc Mode 0 - 1080pNASA Streamlines - SciVisTime To CompileU.4.Z.C.1CoreMark Size 666 - I.P.S6, LosslessP.D.SATPase Simulation - 327,506 Atoms16 - 256 - 571 - Bosphorus 1080p2 - 256 - 57WAV To Opus Encode64 - 256 - 571 - 256 - 57Twofish - DecryptMobilenet FloatZstd Compression 9I.R.VR.C.a.P - CPU10BlowfishBlowfish - DecryptCPU - MobileNet v2ChaCha20Poly1305100 - 250 - Read Only - Average Latency100 - 250 - Read OnlySpeed 6 Realtime - Bosphorus 4KInception V48 - 256 - 57Fayalite-FISTChaCha20Poly1305 - DecryptTwofishV.Q.O - Bosphorus 1080pKASUMISqueezeNetS.F.P.RTime To Compile100 - 100 - Read Only - Average Latency100 - 100 - Read Only12 digit100 - 250 - Read Write - Average Latency100 - 250 - Read WritetConvolve MPI - GriddingVMAF Optimized - Bosphorus 1080p100 - 50 - Read Only100 - 50 - Read Only - Average LatencyDLSC - CPUTime To Compile100 - 100 - Read Write100 - 100 - Read Write - Average LatencyP.S.O - Bosphorus 1080pKASUMI - DecryptRhodopsin Protein10 - Bosphorus 1080pEnc Mode 4 - 1080pCPU - SqueezeNet v1.1Orange Juice - CPUCAST-256CAST-256 - Decrypt7 - Bosphorus 1080pEnc Mode 8 - 1080p32 - 250Time To CompileWAV To WavPack20k AtomsTime To CompileP.P.SMobilenet QuantWownero - 1MCaffeCaffePlaidMLASKAPASKAPASKAPSecureMarkAOM AV1OSPrayKTX-Software toktxNumpy BenchmarkASKAPsimdjsonAOM AV1EmbreeEmbreeOSPrayEmbreeEmbreesimdjsonHammerDB - MariaDBHammerDB - MariaDBEmbreeKTX-Software toktxOpenVKLsimdjsonLuxCoreRenderASTC EncoderInfluxDBInfluxDBBotanOSPraysimdjsonPyBenchBotanOpenFOAMTensorFlow LiteLAME MP3 EncodingCloverLeafEmbreeASTC EncoderASTC EncoderHammerDB - MariaDBHammerDB - MariaDBPHPBenchOSPrayHammerDB - MariaDBHammerDB - MariaDBKeyDBx265OSPrayx265FLAC Audio EncodingKTX-Software toktxLuxCoreRenderOSPraylibjpeg-turbo tjbenchOSPraySVT-AV1OSPrayTimed Erlang/OTP CompilationKTX-Software toktxCoremarklibavif avifencTimed HMMer SearchNAMDLiquid-DSPSVT-HEVCRNNoiseLiquid-DSPOpus Codec Encodinglibavif avifencLiquid-DSPLiquid-DSPBotanTensorFlow LiteKTX-Software toktxTensorFlow LiteLuxCoreRenderlibavif avifencBotanBotanTNNBotanPostgreSQL pgbenchPostgreSQL pgbenchAOM AV1TensorFlow LiteLiquid-DSPCP2K Molecular DynamicsBotanBotanSVT-VP9BotanTensorFlow LiteACES DGEMMTimed Wasmer CompilationPostgreSQL pgbenchPostgreSQL pgbenchHelsingPostgreSQL pgbenchPostgreSQL pgbenchASKAPSVT-VP9PostgreSQL pgbenchPostgreSQL pgbenchLuxCoreRenderTimed Godot Game Engine CompilationPostgreSQL pgbenchPostgreSQL pgbenchSVT-VP9BotanLAMMPS Molecular Dynamics SimulatorSVT-HEVCSVT-AV1TNNLuxCoreRenderBotanBotanSVT-HEVCSVT-AV1HammerDB - PostgreSQLTimed Linux Kernel CompilationWavPack Audio EncodingLAMMPS Molecular Dynamics SimulatorTimed Node.js CompilationHimeno BenchmarkTensorFlow LiteXmrigEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F3

AMD EPYC 72F3 Performance Benchmarkscloverleaf: Lagrangian-Eulerian Hydrodynamicscp2k: Fayalite-FISTnamd: ATPase Simulation - 327,506 Atomshmmer: Pfam Database Searchopenfoam: Motorbike 30Mlammps: 20k Atomslammps: Rhodopsin Proteinsimdjson: Kostyasimdjson: LargeRandsimdjson: PartialTweetssimdjson: DistinctUserIDbotan: KASUMIbotan: KASUMI - Decryptbotan: AES-256botan: AES-256 - Decryptbotan: Twofishbotan: Twofish - Decryptbotan: Blowfishbotan: Blowfish - Decryptbotan: CAST-256botan: CAST-256 - Decryptbotan: ChaCha20Poly1305botan: ChaCha20Poly1305 - Decryptluxcorerender: DLSC - CPUluxcorerender: Danish Mood - CPUluxcorerender: Orange Juice - CPUluxcorerender: LuxCore Benchmark - CPUluxcorerender: Rainbow Colors and Prism - CPUospray: San Miguel - SciVisospray: XFrog Forest - SciVisospray: San Miguel - Path Tracerospray: NASA Streamlines - SciVisospray: XFrog Forest - Path Tracerospray: Magnetic Reconnection - SciVisospray: NASA Streamlines - Path Tracerospray: Magnetic Reconnection - Path Traceraom-av1: Speed 6 Realtime - Bosphorus 4Kaom-av1: Speed 8 Realtime - Bosphorus 4Kaom-av1: Speed 9 Realtime - Bosphorus 4Kembree: Pathtracer - Crownembree: Pathtracer ISPC - Crownembree: Pathtracer - Asian Dragonembree: Pathtracer - Asian Dragon Objembree: Pathtracer ISPC - Asian Dragonembree: Pathtracer ISPC - Asian Dragon Objsvt-av1: Enc Mode 0 - 1080psvt-av1: Enc Mode 4 - 1080psvt-av1: Enc Mode 8 - 1080psvt-hevc: 1 - Bosphorus 1080psvt-hevc: 7 - Bosphorus 1080psvt-hevc: 10 - Bosphorus 1080psvt-vp9: VMAF Optimized - Bosphorus 1080psvt-vp9: PSNR/SSIM Optimized - Bosphorus 1080psvt-vp9: Visual Quality Optimized - Bosphorus 1080px265: Bosphorus 4Kx265: Bosphorus 1080pmt-dgemm: Sustained Floating-Point Rateopenvkl: vklBenchmarkcoremark: CoreMark Size 666 - Iterations Per Secondhimeno: Poisson Pressure Solveravifenc: 6avifenc: 10avifenc: 6, Losslessbuild-godot: Time To Compilebuild-linux-kernel: Time To Compilebuild-nodejs: Time To Compilenumpy: build-erlang: Time To Compilebuild-wasmer: Time To Compiledeepspeech: CPUencode-flac: WAV To FLACencode-mp3: WAV To MP3encode-opus: WAV To Opus Encodehelsing: 12 digitrnnoise: securemark: SecureMark-TLSliquid-dsp: 1 - 256 - 57liquid-dsp: 2 - 256 - 57liquid-dsp: 4 - 256 - 57liquid-dsp: 8 - 256 - 57liquid-dsp: 16 - 256 - 57askap: tConvolve MT - Griddingaskap: tConvolve MT - Degriddingaskap: tConvolve MPI - Griddingaskap: tConvolve OpenMP - Griddingaskap: tConvolve OpenMP - Degriddingkeydb: tensorflow-lite: SqueezeNettensorflow-lite: Inception V4tensorflow-lite: NASNet Mobiletensorflow-lite: Mobilenet Floattensorflow-lite: Mobilenet Quanttensorflow-lite: Inception ResNet V2pgbench: 100 - 50 - Read Onlypgbench: 100 - 50 - Read Only - Average Latencypgbench: 100 - 100 - Read Onlypgbench: 100 - 100 - Read Only - Average Latencypgbench: 100 - 250 - Read Onlypgbench: 100 - 250 - Read Only - Average Latencypgbench: 100 - 100 - Read Writepgbench: 100 - 100 - Read Write - Average Latencypgbench: 100 - 250 - Read Writepgbench: 100 - 250 - Read Write - Average Latencyastcenc: Mediumastcenc: Thoroughastcenc: Exhaustivetoktx: UASTC 3toktx: Zstd Compression 9toktx: Zstd Compression 19toktx: UASTC 3 + Zstd Compression 19toktx: UASTC 4 + Zstd Compression 19caffe: AlexNet - CPU - 100caffe: GoogleNet - CPU - 100tnn: CPU - MobileNet v2tnn: CPU - SqueezeNet v1.1plaidml: No - Inference - ResNet 50 - CPUpybench: Total For Average Test Timesphpbench: PHP Benchmark Suiteencode-wavpack: WAV To WavPackinfluxdb: 4 - 10000 - 2,5000,1 - 10000influxdb: 64 - 10000 - 2,5000,1 - 10000xmrig: Wownero - 1Mtjbench: Decompression Throughputhammerdb-mariadb: 8 - 250hammerdb-mariadb: 8 - 250hammerdb-mariadb: 16 - 250hammerdb-mariadb: 16 - 250hammerdb-mariadb: 32 - 250hammerdb-mariadb: 32 - 250hammerdb-postgresql: 32 - 250EPYC 7F32EPYC 72F337.061232.3452.22450103.81359.966.5126.3742.660.93.453.7789.79987.7955153.4475152.833332.346330.988394.664393.412136.822136.895754.913748.8921.711.002.591.205.7812.552.390.9517.391.278.263.6412513.2727.5932.889.94099.481010.72739.907810.68879.48950.1124.21432.9667.45114.17236.74159.16167.36124.859.8849.642.998614115359517.2577344367.08846613.0393.34856.283136.99394.779419.137333.94134.48259.64666.476518.1758.1948.0095.74920.080204358609583331214766672421366674822600005250466673668.443744.627665.743269.043647.68430033.35209912301215319676214070514338627336472139970.2342221810.452208981.132230704.3371998912.5206.272215.3375125.091213.0792.75323.82721.000355.81269469168666273.505262.0776.06102661275813.7971143072.21335615.67941.0197.11492074690226284499271514175404816374061771030.301118.6671.9580691.05248.846.8776.8683.381.114.334.9798.69594.8446334.4406408.482365.888369.938438.570436.947146.678146.694838.024824.7601.861.252.791.406.4314.632.811.18201.5110.534.20166.6714.7036.2743.8612.128011.976413.662312.590613.773012.13260.1294.54035.0968.39121.85255.08173.44181.31137.4411.6358.243.291354145411546.6210084589.36283411.6193.01249.211126.07089.361397.502443.12117.06554.44565.251726.9936.6997.1325.25717.854282560682620001365633332715933335316466675938866675522.144950.268358.575101.665542.45506884.1419111527268801606711


CloverLeaf is a Lagrangian-Eulerian hydrodynamics benchmark. This test profile currently makes use of CloverLeaf's OpenMP version and benchmarked with the input file (Problem 5). Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterCloverLeafLagrangian-Eulerian HydrodynamicsEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F3918273645SE +/- 0.19, N = 3SE +/- 0.13, N = 337.0630.301. (F9X) gfortran options: -O3 -march=native -funroll-loops -fopenmp

CP2K Molecular Dynamics

CP2K is an open-source molecular dynamics software package focused on quantum chemistry and solid-state physics. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterCP2K Molecular Dynamics 8.1Input: Fayalite-FISTEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F3300600900120015001232.351118.67


NAMD is a parallel molecular dynamics code designed for high-performance simulation of large biomolecular systems. NAMD was developed by the Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group in the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgdays/ns, Fewer Is BetterNAMD 2.14ATPase Simulation - 327,506 AtomsEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F30.50051.0011.50152.0022.5025SE +/- 0.00174, N = 3SE +/- 0.00055, N = 32.224501.95806

Timed HMMer Search

This test searches through the Pfam database of profile hidden markov models. The search finds the domain structure of Drosophila Sevenless protein. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterTimed HMMer Search 3.3.1Pfam Database SearchEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F320406080100SE +/- 0.05, N = 3SE +/- 0.05, N = 3103.8191.051. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -pthread -lhmmer -leasel -lm


OpenFOAM is the leading free, open source software for computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterOpenFOAM 8Input: Motorbike 30MEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F31326395265SE +/- 0.24, N = 3SE +/- 0.07, N = 359.9648.841. (CXX) g++ options: -std=c++11 -m64 -O3 -ftemplate-depth-100 -fPIC -fuse-ld=bfd -Xlinker --add-needed --no-as-needed -lfiniteVolume -lgenericPatchFields -ldynamicMesh -lmeshTools -lOpenFOAM -ldl -lm

LAMMPS Molecular Dynamics Simulator

LAMMPS is a classical molecular dynamics code, and an acronym for Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgns/day, More Is BetterLAMMPS Molecular Dynamics Simulator 29Oct2020Model: 20k AtomsEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F3246810SE +/- 0.010, N = 3SE +/- 0.016, N = 36.5126.8771. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -pthread -lm

OpenBenchmarking.orgns/day, More Is BetterLAMMPS Molecular Dynamics Simulator 29Oct2020Model: Rhodopsin ProteinEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F3246810SE +/- 0.003, N = 9SE +/- 0.013, N = 96.3746.8681. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -pthread -lm


This is a benchmark of SIMDJSON, a high performance JSON parser. SIMDJSON aims to be the fastest JSON parser and is used by projects like Microsoft FishStore, Yandex ClickHouse, Shopify, and others. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgGB/s, More Is Bettersimdjson 0.8.2Throughput Test: KostyaEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F30.76051.5212.28153.0423.8025SE +/- 0.00, N = 3SE +/- 0.01, N = 32.663.381. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -pthread

OpenBenchmarking.orgGB/s, More Is Bettersimdjson 0.8.2Throughput Test: LargeRandomEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F30.24980.49960.74940.99921.249SE +/- 0.00, N = 3SE +/- 0.00, N = 30.901.111. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -pthread

OpenBenchmarking.orgGB/s, More Is Bettersimdjson 0.8.2Throughput Test: PartialTweetsEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F30.97431.94862.92293.89724.8715SE +/- 0.00, N = 3SE +/- 0.00, N = 33.454.331. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -pthread

OpenBenchmarking.orgGB/s, More Is Bettersimdjson 0.8.2Throughput Test: DistinctUserIDEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F31.11832.23663.35494.47325.5915SE +/- 0.01, N = 3SE +/- 0.01, N = 33.774.971. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -pthread


Botan is a BSD-licensed cross-platform open-source C++ crypto library "cryptography toolkit" that supports most publicly known cryptographic algorithms. The project's stated goal is to be "the best option for cryptography in C++ by offering the tools necessary to implement a range of practical systems, such as TLS protocol, X.509 certificates, modern AEAD ciphers, PKCS#11 and TPM hardware support, password hashing, and post quantum crypto schemes." Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgMiB/s, More Is BetterBotan 2.17.3Test: KASUMIEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F320406080100SE +/- 0.02, N = 3SE +/- 0.02, N = 389.8098.701. (CXX) g++ options: -fstack-protector -m64 -pthread -lbotan-2 -ldl -lrt

OpenBenchmarking.orgMiB/s, More Is BetterBotan 2.17.3Test: KASUMI - DecryptEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F320406080100SE +/- 0.01, N = 3SE +/- 0.00, N = 387.8094.841. (CXX) g++ options: -fstack-protector -m64 -pthread -lbotan-2 -ldl -lrt

OpenBenchmarking.orgMiB/s, More Is BetterBotan 2.17.3Test: AES-256EPYC 7F32EPYC 72F314002800420056007000SE +/- 3.40, N = 3SE +/- 1.43, N = 35153.456334.441. (CXX) g++ options: -fstack-protector -m64 -pthread -lbotan-2 -ldl -lrt

OpenBenchmarking.orgMiB/s, More Is BetterBotan 2.17.3Test: AES-256 - DecryptEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F314002800420056007000SE +/- 6.94, N = 3SE +/- 16.31, N = 35152.836408.481. (CXX) g++ options: -fstack-protector -m64 -pthread -lbotan-2 -ldl -lrt

OpenBenchmarking.orgMiB/s, More Is BetterBotan 2.17.3Test: TwofishEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F380160240320400SE +/- 0.03, N = 3SE +/- 0.07, N = 3332.35365.891. (CXX) g++ options: -fstack-protector -m64 -pthread -lbotan-2 -ldl -lrt

OpenBenchmarking.orgMiB/s, More Is BetterBotan 2.17.3Test: Twofish - DecryptEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F380160240320400SE +/- 0.10, N = 3SE +/- 0.02, N = 3330.99369.941. (CXX) g++ options: -fstack-protector -m64 -pthread -lbotan-2 -ldl -lrt

OpenBenchmarking.orgMiB/s, More Is BetterBotan 2.17.3Test: BlowfishEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F3100200300400500SE +/- 0.13, N = 3SE +/- 0.84, N = 3394.66438.571. (CXX) g++ options: -fstack-protector -m64 -pthread -lbotan-2 -ldl -lrt

OpenBenchmarking.orgMiB/s, More Is BetterBotan 2.17.3Test: Blowfish - DecryptEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F390180270360450SE +/- 0.02, N = 3SE +/- 0.73, N = 3393.41436.951. (CXX) g++ options: -fstack-protector -m64 -pthread -lbotan-2 -ldl -lrt

OpenBenchmarking.orgMiB/s, More Is BetterBotan 2.17.3Test: CAST-256EPYC 7F32EPYC 72F3306090120150SE +/- 0.05, N = 3SE +/- 0.09, N = 3136.82146.681. (CXX) g++ options: -fstack-protector -m64 -pthread -lbotan-2 -ldl -lrt

OpenBenchmarking.orgMiB/s, More Is BetterBotan 2.17.3Test: CAST-256 - DecryptEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F3306090120150SE +/- 0.03, N = 3SE +/- 0.08, N = 3136.90146.691. (CXX) g++ options: -fstack-protector -m64 -pthread -lbotan-2 -ldl -lrt

OpenBenchmarking.orgMiB/s, More Is BetterBotan 2.17.3Test: ChaCha20Poly1305EPYC 7F32EPYC 72F32004006008001000SE +/- 0.20, N = 3SE +/- 0.87, N = 3754.91838.021. (CXX) g++ options: -fstack-protector -m64 -pthread -lbotan-2 -ldl -lrt

OpenBenchmarking.orgMiB/s, More Is BetterBotan 2.17.3Test: ChaCha20Poly1305 - DecryptEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F32004006008001000SE +/- 3.39, N = 3SE +/- 0.26, N = 3748.89824.761. (CXX) g++ options: -fstack-protector -m64 -pthread -lbotan-2 -ldl -lrt


LuxCoreRender is an open-source 3D physically based renderer formerly known as LuxRender. LuxCoreRender supports CPU-based rendering as well as GPU acceleration via OpenCL, NVIDIA CUDA, and NVIDIA OptiX interfaces. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgM samples/sec, More Is BetterLuxCoreRender 2.5Scene: DLSC - Acceleration: CPUEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F30.41850.8371.25551.6742.0925SE +/- 0.01, N = 3SE +/- 0.01, N = 31.711.86MIN: 1.62 / MAX: 1.78MIN: 1.79 / MAX: 1.94

OpenBenchmarking.orgM samples/sec, More Is BetterLuxCoreRender 2.5Scene: Danish Mood - Acceleration: CPUEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F30.28130.56260.84391.12521.4065SE +/- 0.01, N = 3SE +/- 0.02, N = 31.001.25MIN: 0.23 / MAX: 1.31MIN: 0.31 / MAX: 1.58

OpenBenchmarking.orgM samples/sec, More Is BetterLuxCoreRender 2.5Scene: Orange Juice - Acceleration: CPUEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F30.62781.25561.88342.51123.139SE +/- 0.01, N = 3SE +/- 0.01, N = 32.592.79MIN: 2.49 / MAX: 2.61MIN: 2.73 / MAX: 2.86

OpenBenchmarking.orgM samples/sec, More Is BetterLuxCoreRender 2.5Scene: LuxCore Benchmark - Acceleration: CPUEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F30.3150.630.9451.261.575SE +/- 0.00, N = 3SE +/- 0.00, N = 31.201.40MIN: 0.32 / MAX: 1.51MIN: 0.4 / MAX: 1.73

OpenBenchmarking.orgM samples/sec, More Is BetterLuxCoreRender 2.5Scene: Rainbow Colors and Prism - Acceleration: CPUEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F3246810SE +/- 0.06, N = 15SE +/- 0.06, N = 155.786.43MIN: 5.27 / MAX: 6.18MIN: 5.68 / MAX: 6.74


Intel OSPray is a portable ray-tracing engine for high-performance, high-fidenlity scientific visualizations. OSPray builds off Intel's Embree and Intel SPMD Program Compiler (ISPC) components as part of the oneAPI rendering toolkit. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgFPS, More Is BetterOSPray 1.8.5Demo: San Miguel - Renderer: SciVisEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F348121620SE +/- 0.05, N = 3SE +/- 0.07, N = 312.5514.63MIN: 12.05 / MAX: 13.33MIN: 14.08 / MAX: 15.63

OpenBenchmarking.orgFPS, More Is BetterOSPray 1.8.5Demo: XFrog Forest - Renderer: SciVisEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F30.63231.26461.89692.52923.1615SE +/- 0.00, N = 3SE +/- 0.00, N = 32.392.81MIN: 2.3 / MAX: 2.42MIN: 2.7 / MAX: 2.85

OpenBenchmarking.orgFPS, More Is BetterOSPray 1.8.5Demo: San Miguel - Renderer: Path TracerEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F30.26550.5310.79651.0621.3275SE +/- 0.00, N = 3SE +/- 0.00, N = 30.951.18MIN: 0.93 / MAX: 0.96MIN: 1.16 / MAX: 1.2

OpenBenchmarking.orgFPS, More Is BetterOSPray 1.8.5Demo: NASA Streamlines - Renderer: SciVisEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F3510152025SE +/- 0.09, N = 417.3920.00MIN: 16.39 / MAX: 17.86MIN: 19.23 / MAX: 20.83

OpenBenchmarking.orgFPS, More Is BetterOSPray 1.8.5Demo: XFrog Forest - Renderer: Path TracerEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F30.33980.67961.01941.35921.699SE +/- 0.00, N = 3SE +/- 0.00, N = 31.271.51MIN: 1.24 / MAX: 1.28MIN: 1.47 / MAX: 1.53

OpenBenchmarking.orgFPS, More Is BetterOSPray 1.8.5Demo: Magnetic Reconnection - Renderer: SciVisEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F33691215SE +/- 0.00, N = 3SE +/- 0.00, N = 38.2610.53MIN: 7.87 / MAX: 8.33MIN: 10 / MAX: 11.11

OpenBenchmarking.orgFPS, More Is BetterOSPray 1.8.5Demo: NASA Streamlines - Renderer: Path TracerEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F30.9451.892.8353.784.725SE +/- 0.00, N = 3SE +/- 0.01, N = 33.644.20MIN: 3.48 / MAX: 3.69MIN: 3.97 / MAX: 4.26

OpenBenchmarking.orgFPS, More Is BetterOSPray 1.8.5Demo: Magnetic Reconnection - Renderer: Path TracerEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F34080120160200SE +/- 0.00, N = 10125.00166.67MIN: 100 / MAX: 142.86MIN: 142.86 / MAX: 200


This is a test of the AOMedia AV1 encoder (libaom) developed by AOMedia and Google. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgFrames Per Second, More Is BetterAOM AV1 3.0Encoder Mode: Speed 6 Realtime - Input: Bosphorus 4KEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F348121620SE +/- 0.01, N = 3SE +/- 0.07, N = 313.2714.701. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -std=c++11 -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -lm -lpthread

OpenBenchmarking.orgFrames Per Second, More Is BetterAOM AV1 3.0Encoder Mode: Speed 8 Realtime - Input: Bosphorus 4KEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F3816243240SE +/- 0.41, N = 3SE +/- 0.07, N = 327.5936.271. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -std=c++11 -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -lm -lpthread

OpenBenchmarking.orgFrames Per Second, More Is BetterAOM AV1 3.0Encoder Mode: Speed 9 Realtime - Input: Bosphorus 4KEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F31020304050SE +/- 0.40, N = 6SE +/- 0.38, N = 1232.8843.861. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -std=c++11 -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -lm -lpthread


Intel Embree is a collection of high-performance ray-tracing kernels for execution on CPUs. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgFrames Per Second, More Is BetterEmbree 3.9.0Binary: Pathtracer - Model: CrownEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F33691215SE +/- 0.0330, N = 3SE +/- 0.0188, N = 39.940912.1280MIN: 9.84 / MAX: 10.1MIN: 11.99 / MAX: 12.37

OpenBenchmarking.orgFrames Per Second, More Is BetterEmbree 3.9.0Binary: Pathtracer ISPC - Model: CrownEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F33691215SE +/- 0.0083, N = 3SE +/- 0.0435, N = 39.481011.9764MIN: 9.4 / MAX: 9.64MIN: 11.46 / MAX: 12.26

OpenBenchmarking.orgFrames Per Second, More Is BetterEmbree 3.9.0Binary: Pathtracer - Model: Asian DragonEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F348121620SE +/- 0.03, N = 3SE +/- 0.06, N = 310.7313.66MIN: 10.63 / MAX: 10.9MIN: 13.51 / MAX: 13.86

OpenBenchmarking.orgFrames Per Second, More Is BetterEmbree 3.9.0Binary: Pathtracer - Model: Asian Dragon ObjEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F33691215SE +/- 0.0176, N = 3SE +/- 0.0176, N = 39.907812.5906MIN: 9.84 / MAX: 10.01MIN: 12.52 / MAX: 12.74

OpenBenchmarking.orgFrames Per Second, More Is BetterEmbree 3.9.0Binary: Pathtracer ISPC - Model: Asian DragonEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F348121620SE +/- 0.07, N = 3SE +/- 0.07, N = 310.6913.77MIN: 10.54 / MAX: 10.94MIN: 13.57 / MAX: 14.09

OpenBenchmarking.orgFrames Per Second, More Is BetterEmbree 3.9.0Binary: Pathtracer ISPC - Model: Asian Dragon ObjEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F33691215SE +/- 0.0168, N = 3SE +/- 0.0297, N = 39.489512.1326MIN: 9.42 / MAX: 9.59MIN: 11.99 / MAX: 12.42


This is a test of the Intel Open Visual Cloud Scalable Video Technology SVT-AV1 CPU-based multi-threaded video encoder for the AV1 video format with a sample 1080p YUV video file. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgFrames Per Second, More Is BetterSVT-AV1 0.8Encoder Mode: Enc Mode 0 - Input: 1080pEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F30.0290.0580.0870.1160.145SE +/- 0.001, N = 6SE +/- 0.001, N = 30.1120.1291. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -fcommon -fPIE -fPIC -pie

OpenBenchmarking.orgFrames Per Second, More Is BetterSVT-AV1 0.8Encoder Mode: Enc Mode 4 - Input: 1080pEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F31.02152.0433.06454.0865.1075SE +/- 0.027, N = 3SE +/- 0.018, N = 34.2144.5401. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -fcommon -fPIE -fPIC -pie

OpenBenchmarking.orgFrames Per Second, More Is BetterSVT-AV1 0.8Encoder Mode: Enc Mode 8 - Input: 1080pEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F3816243240SE +/- 0.04, N = 5SE +/- 0.04, N = 532.9735.101. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -fcommon -fPIE -fPIC -pie


This is a test of the Intel Open Visual Cloud Scalable Video Technology SVT-HEVC CPU-based multi-threaded video encoder for the HEVC / H.265 video format with a sample 1080p YUV video file. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgFrames Per Second, More Is BetterSVT-HEVC 1.5.0Tuning: 1 - Input: Bosphorus 1080pEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F3246810SE +/- 0.00, N = 3SE +/- 0.02, N = 37.458.391. (CC) gcc options: -fPIE -fPIC -O3 -O2 -pie -rdynamic -lpthread -lrt

OpenBenchmarking.orgFrames Per Second, More Is BetterSVT-HEVC 1.5.0Tuning: 7 - Input: Bosphorus 1080pEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F3306090120150SE +/- 0.07, N = 7SE +/- 0.19, N = 7114.17121.851. (CC) gcc options: -fPIE -fPIC -O3 -O2 -pie -rdynamic -lpthread -lrt

OpenBenchmarking.orgFrames Per Second, More Is BetterSVT-HEVC 1.5.0Tuning: 10 - Input: Bosphorus 1080pEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F360120180240300SE +/- 0.20, N = 9SE +/- 0.33, N = 10236.74255.081. (CC) gcc options: -fPIE -fPIC -O3 -O2 -pie -rdynamic -lpthread -lrt


This is a test of the Intel Open Visual Cloud Scalable Video Technology SVT-VP9 CPU-based multi-threaded video encoder for the VP9 video format with a sample YUV input video file. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgFrames Per Second, More Is BetterSVT-VP9 0.3Tuning: VMAF Optimized - Input: Bosphorus 1080pEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F34080120160200SE +/- 0.80, N = 8SE +/- 1.17, N = 9159.16173.441. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -fcommon -fPIE -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -pie -rdynamic -lpthread -lrt -lm

OpenBenchmarking.orgFrames Per Second, More Is BetterSVT-VP9 0.3Tuning: PSNR/SSIM Optimized - Input: Bosphorus 1080pEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F34080120160200SE +/- 0.19, N = 8SE +/- 0.27, N = 9167.36181.311. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -fcommon -fPIE -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -pie -rdynamic -lpthread -lrt -lm

OpenBenchmarking.orgFrames Per Second, More Is BetterSVT-VP9 0.3Tuning: Visual Quality Optimized - Input: Bosphorus 1080pEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F3306090120150SE +/- 0.09, N = 7SE +/- 0.20, N = 8124.85137.441. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -fcommon -fPIE -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -pie -rdynamic -lpthread -lrt -lm


This is a simple test of the x265 encoder run on the CPU with 1080p and 4K options for H.265 video encode performance with x265. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgFrames Per Second, More Is Betterx265 3.4Video Input: Bosphorus 4KEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F33691215SE +/- 0.14, N = 3SE +/- 0.13, N = 79.8811.631. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -rdynamic -lpthread -lrt -ldl -lnuma

OpenBenchmarking.orgFrames Per Second, More Is Betterx265 3.4Video Input: Bosphorus 1080pEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F31326395265SE +/- 0.26, N = 4SE +/- 0.30, N = 549.6458.241. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -rdynamic -lpthread -lrt -ldl -lnuma


This is a multi-threaded DGEMM benchmark. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgGFLOP/s, More Is BetterACES DGEMM 1.0Sustained Floating-Point RateEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F30.74061.48122.22182.96243.703SE +/- 0.037024, N = 3SE +/- 0.021694, N = 32.9986143.2913541. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -march=native -fopenmp


OpenVKL is the Intel Open Volume Kernel Library that offers high-performance volume computation kernels and part of the Intel oneAPI rendering toolkit. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgItems / Sec, More Is BetterOpenVKL 0.9Benchmark: vklBenchmarkEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F3306090120150SE +/- 0.33, N = 3115145MIN: 1 / MAX: 407MIN: 1 / MAX: 563


This is a test of EEMBC CoreMark processor benchmark. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgIterations/Sec, More Is BetterCoremark 1.0CoreMark Size 666 - Iterations Per SecondEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F390K180K270K360K450KSE +/- 253.82, N = 3SE +/- 1142.43, N = 3359517.26411546.621. (CC) gcc options: -O2 -lrt" -lrt

Himeno Benchmark

The Himeno benchmark is a linear solver of pressure Poisson using a point-Jacobi method. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgMFLOPS, More Is BetterHimeno Benchmark 3.0Poisson Pressure SolverEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F310002000300040005000SE +/- 13.57, N = 3SE +/- 67.21, N = 154367.094589.361. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -mavx2

libavif avifenc

This is a test of the AOMedia libavif library testing the encoding of a JPEG image to AV1 Image Format (AVIF). Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is Betterlibavif avifenc 0.9.0Encoder Speed: 6EPYC 7F32EPYC 72F33691215SE +/- 0.01, N = 4SE +/- 0.03, N = 413.0411.621. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -fPIC -lm

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is Betterlibavif avifenc 0.9.0Encoder Speed: 10EPYC 7F32EPYC 72F30.75331.50662.25993.01323.7665SE +/- 0.006, N = 9SE +/- 0.006, N = 93.3483.0121. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -fPIC -lm

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is Betterlibavif avifenc 0.9.0Encoder Speed: 6, LosslessEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F31326395265SE +/- 0.21, N = 3SE +/- 0.10, N = 356.2849.211. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -fPIC -lm

Timed Godot Game Engine Compilation

This test times how long it takes to compile the Godot Game Engine. Godot is a popular, open-source, cross-platform 2D/3D game engine and is built using the SCons build system and targeting the X11 platform. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterTimed Godot Game Engine Compilation 3.2.3Time To CompileEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F3306090120150SE +/- 0.21, N = 3SE +/- 0.03, N = 3136.99126.07

Timed Linux Kernel Compilation

This test times how long it takes to build the Linux kernel in a default configuration (defconfig) for the architecture being tested. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterTimed Linux Kernel Compilation 5.10.20Time To CompileEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F320406080100SE +/- 1.33, N = 3SE +/- 1.07, N = 394.7889.36

Timed Node.js Compilation

This test profile times how long it takes to build/compile Node.js itself from source. Node.js is a JavaScript run-time built from the Chrome V8 JavaScript engine while itself is written in C/C++. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterTimed Node.js Compilation 15.11Time To CompileEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F390180270360450SE +/- 0.42, N = 3SE +/- 0.31, N = 3419.14397.50

Numpy Benchmark

This is a test to obtain the general Numpy performance. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgScore, More Is BetterNumpy BenchmarkEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F3100200300400500SE +/- 2.68, N = 3SE +/- 0.98, N = 3333.94443.12

Timed Erlang/OTP Compilation

This test times how long it takes to compile Erlang/OTP. Erlang is a programming language and run-time for massively scalable soft real-time systems with high availability requirements. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterTimed Erlang/OTP Compilation 23.2Time To CompileEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F3306090120150SE +/- 0.26, N = 3SE +/- 0.11, N = 3134.48117.07

Timed Wasmer Compilation

This test times how long it takes to compile Wasmer. Wasmer is written in the Rust programming language and is a WebAssembly runtime implementation that supports WASI and EmScripten. This test profile builds Wasmer with the Cranelift and Singlepast compiler features enabled. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterTimed Wasmer Compilation 1.0.2Time To CompileEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F31326395265SE +/- 0.53, N = 3SE +/- 0.10, N = 359.6554.451. (CC) gcc options: -m64 -pie -nodefaultlibs -ldl -lgcc_s -lutil -lrt -lpthread -lm -lc


Mozilla DeepSpeech is a speech-to-text engine powered by TensorFlow for machine learning and derived from Baidu's Deep Speech research paper. This test profile times the speech-to-text process for a roughly three minute audio recording. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterDeepSpeech 0.6Acceleration: CPUEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F31530456075SE +/- 0.09, N = 3SE +/- 0.69, N = 366.4865.25

FLAC Audio Encoding

This test times how long it takes to encode a sample WAV file to FLAC format five times. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterFLAC Audio Encoding 1.3.2WAV To FLACEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F3246810SE +/- 0.005, N = 6SE +/- 0.005, N = 68.1756.9931. (CXX) g++ options: -O2 -fvisibility=hidden -logg -lm

LAME MP3 Encoding

LAME is an MP3 encoder licensed under the LGPL. This test measures the time required to encode a WAV file to MP3 format. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterLAME MP3 Encoding 3.100WAV To MP3EPYC 7F32EPYC 72F3246810SE +/- 0.011, N = 6SE +/- 0.009, N = 68.1946.6991. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -ffast-math -funroll-loops -fschedule-insns2 -fbranch-count-reg -fforce-addr -pipe -lncurses -lm

Opus Codec Encoding

Opus is an open audio codec. Opus is a lossy audio compression format designed primarily for interactive real-time applications over the Internet. This test uses Opus-Tools and measures the time required to encode a WAV file to Opus. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterOpus Codec Encoding 1.3.1WAV To Opus EncodeEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F3246810SE +/- 0.018, N = 6SE +/- 0.014, N = 68.0097.1321. (CXX) g++ options: -fvisibility=hidden -logg -lm


Helsing is an open-source POSIX vampire number generator. This test profile measures the time it takes to generate vampire numbers between varying numbers of digits. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterHelsing 1.0-betaDigit Range: 12 digitEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F31.29352.5873.88055.1746.46755.7495.2571. (CC) gcc options: -O2 -pthread -lcrypto


RNNoise is a recurrent neural network for audio noise reduction developed by Mozilla and Xiph.Org. This test profile is a single-threaded test measuring the time to denoise a sample 26 minute long 16-bit RAW audio file using this recurrent neural network noise suppression library. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterRNNoise 2020-06-28EPYC 7F32EPYC 72F3510152025SE +/- 0.09, N = 3SE +/- 0.04, N = 320.0817.851. (CC) gcc options: -O2 -pedantic -fvisibility=hidden


SecureMark is an objective, standardized benchmarking framework for measuring the efficiency of cryptographic processing solutions developed by EEMBC. SecureMark-TLS is benchmarking Transport Layer Security performance with a focus on IoT/edge computing. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgmarks, More Is BetterSecureMark 1.0.4Benchmark: SecureMark-TLSEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F360K120K180K240K300KSE +/- 426.85, N = 3SE +/- 1383.28, N = 32043582825601. (CC) gcc options: -pedantic -O3


LiquidSDR's Liquid-DSP is a software-defined radio (SDR) digital signal processing library. This test profile runs a multi-threaded benchmark of this SDR/DSP library focused on embedded platform usage. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgsamples/s, More Is BetterLiquid-DSP 2021.01.31Threads: 1 - Buffer Length: 256 - Filter Length: 57EPYC 7F32EPYC 72F315M30M45M60M75MSE +/- 121828.20, N = 3SE +/- 573512.28, N = 360958333682620001. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -pthread -lm -lc -lliquid

OpenBenchmarking.orgsamples/s, More Is BetterLiquid-DSP 2021.01.31Threads: 2 - Buffer Length: 256 - Filter Length: 57EPYC 7F32EPYC 72F330M60M90M120M150MSE +/- 158570.00, N = 3SE +/- 552941.63, N = 31214766671365633331. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -pthread -lm -lc -lliquid

OpenBenchmarking.orgsamples/s, More Is BetterLiquid-DSP 2021.01.31Threads: 4 - Buffer Length: 256 - Filter Length: 57EPYC 7F32EPYC 72F360M120M180M240M300MSE +/- 233832.80, N = 3SE +/- 1535625.10, N = 32421366672715933331. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -pthread -lm -lc -lliquid

OpenBenchmarking.orgsamples/s, More Is BetterLiquid-DSP 2021.01.31Threads: 8 - Buffer Length: 256 - Filter Length: 57EPYC 7F32EPYC 72F3110M220M330M440M550MSE +/- 340196.02, N = 3SE +/- 2041766.66, N = 34822600005316466671. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -pthread -lm -lc -lliquid

OpenBenchmarking.orgsamples/s, More Is BetterLiquid-DSP 2021.01.31Threads: 16 - Buffer Length: 256 - Filter Length: 57EPYC 7F32EPYC 72F3130M260M390M520M650MSE +/- 7998346.36, N = 3SE +/- 355027.39, N = 35250466675938866671. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -pthread -lm -lc -lliquid


ASKAP is a set of benchmarks from the Australian SKA Pathfinder. The principal ASKAP benchmarks are the Hogbom Clean Benchmark (tHogbomClean) and Convolutional Resamping Benchmark (tConvolve) as well as some previous ASKAP benchmarks being included as well for OpenCL and CUDA execution of tConvolve. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgMillion Grid Points Per Second, More Is BetterASKAP 1.0Test: tConvolve MT - GriddingEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F312002400360048006000SE +/- 17.33, N = 3SE +/- 64.72, N = 33668.445522.141. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -fstrict-aliasing -fopenmp

OpenBenchmarking.orgMillion Grid Points Per Second, More Is BetterASKAP 1.0Test: tConvolve MT - DegriddingEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F311002200330044005500SE +/- 7.69, N = 3SE +/- 34.90, N = 33744.624950.261. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -fstrict-aliasing -fopenmp

OpenBenchmarking.orgMpix/sec, More Is BetterASKAP 1.0Test: tConvolve MPI - GriddingEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F32K4K6K8K10KSE +/- 108.48, N = 4SE +/- 64.79, N = 57665.748358.571. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -fstrict-aliasing -fopenmp

OpenBenchmarking.orgMillion Grid Points Per Second, More Is BetterASKAP 1.0Test: tConvolve OpenMP - GriddingEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F311002200330044005500SE +/- 47.75, N = 4SE +/- 51.82, N = 153269.045101.661. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -fstrict-aliasing -fopenmp

OpenBenchmarking.orgMillion Grid Points Per Second, More Is BetterASKAP 1.0Test: tConvolve OpenMP - DegriddingEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F312002400360048006000SE +/- 20.40, N = 4SE +/- 35.96, N = 153647.685542.451. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -fstrict-aliasing -fopenmp


A benchmark of KeyDB as a multi-threaded fork of the Redis server. The KeyDB benchmark is conducted using memtier-benchmark. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgOps/sec, More Is BetterKeyDB 6.0.16EPYC 7F32EPYC 72F3110K220K330K440K550KSE +/- 4394.97, N = 3SE +/- 1632.83, N = 3430033.35506884.141. (CXX) g++ options: -O2 -levent_openssl -levent -lcrypto -lssl -lpthread -lz -lpcre

TensorFlow Lite

This is a benchmark of the TensorFlow Lite implementation. The current Linux support is limited to running on CPUs. This test profile is measuring the average inference time. Learn more via the test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgMicroseconds, Fewer Is BetterTensorFlow Lite 2020-08-23Model: SqueezeNetEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F340K80K120K160K200KSE +/- 169.86, N = 3SE +/- 62.38, N = 3209912191115

OpenBenchmarking.orgMicroseconds, Fewer Is BetterTensorFlow Lite 2020-08-23Model: Inception V4EPYC 7F32EPYC 72F3600K1200K1800K2400K3000KSE +/- 1720.31, N = 3SE +/- 212.21, N = 330121532726880

OpenBenchmarking.orgMicroseconds, Fewer Is BetterTensorFlow Lite 2020-08-23Model: NASNet MobileEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F340K80K120K160K200KSE +/- 1893.07, N = 3SE +/- 103.00, N = 3196762160671

OpenBenchmarking.orgMicroseconds, Fewer Is BetterTensorFlow Lite 2020-08-23Model: Mobilenet FloatEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F330K60K90K120K150KSE +/- 136.60, N = 3SE +/- 102.61, N = 3140705125985

OpenBenchmarking.orgMicroseconds, Fewer Is BetterTensorFlow Lite 2020-08-23Model: Mobilenet QuantEPYC 7F32EPYC 72F330K60K90K120K150KSE +/- 210.60, N = 3SE +/- 79.39, N = 3143386137252