RPi 400 2024

ARMv8 Cortex-A72 testing with a Raspberry Pi 400 Rev 1.0 and vc4drmfb on Debian 12 via the Phoronix Test Suite.

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Raspberry Pi 400
December 11 2024
  4 Days, 4 Hours, 6 Minutes
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RPi 400 2024OpenBenchmarking.orgPhoronix Test SuiteARMv8 Cortex-A72 @ 1.80GHz (4 Cores)Raspberry Pi 400 Rev 1.0Broadcom BCM27114096MB128GB SF128vc4drmfbDELL P2210HDebian 126.6.63-v8+ (aarch64)X Server 12.2.0ext41920x1080ProcessorMotherboardChipsetMemoryDiskGraphicsMonitorOSKernelDisplay ServerCompilerFile-SystemScreen ResolutionRPi 400 2024 BenchmarksSystem Logs- snd_bcm2835.enable_headphones=0 snd_bcm2835.enable_hdmi=1 snd_bcm2835.enable_hdmi=0 - --build=aarch64-linux-gnu --disable-libquadmath --disable-libquadmath-support --disable-werror --enable-checking=release --enable-clocale=gnu --enable-default-pie --enable-fix-cortex-a53-843419 --enable-gnu-unique-object --enable-languages=c,ada,c++,go,d,fortran,objc,obj-c++,m2 --enable-libphobos-checking=release --enable-libstdcxx-debug --enable-libstdcxx-time=yes --enable-multiarch --enable-nls --enable-objc-gc=auto --enable-plugin --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix --host=aarch64-linux-gnu --program-prefix=aarch64-linux-gnu- --target=aarch64-linux-gnu --with-default-libstdcxx-abi=new --with-gcc-major-version-only --with-target-system-zlib=auto -v - Scaling Governor: cpufreq-dt ondemand- OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 17.0.13+11-Debian-2deb12u1) - Python 3.11.2- gather_data_sampling: Not affected + itlb_multihit: Not affected + l1tf: Not affected + mds: Not affected + meltdown: Not affected + mmio_stale_data: Not affected + reg_file_data_sampling: Not affected + retbleed: Not affected + spec_rstack_overflow: Not affected + spec_store_bypass: Vulnerable + spectre_v1: Mitigation of __user pointer sanitization + spectre_v2: Vulnerable + srbds: Not affected + tsx_async_abort: Not affected

RPi 400 2024astcenc: Fastastcenc: Mediumastcenc: Thoroughastcenc: Very Thoroughastcenc: Exhaustiveavifenc: 6avifenc: 6, Losslessavifenc: 10, Losslessblosc: blosclz shuffle - 8MBblosc: blosclz noshuffle - 8MBblosc: blosclz bitshuffle - 8MBbuild-eigen: Time To Compilebuild-ffmpeg: Time To Compilebuild-linux-kernel: defconfigbuild-mesa: Time To Compilebuild-php: Time To Compilebuild2: Time To Compilebyte: Dhrystone 2byte: Whetstone Doublebyte: System Callbyte: Pipec-ray: 1080p - 16c-ray: 4K - 16cachebench: Readcachebench: Writecachebench: Read / Modify / Writecassandra: Writescompress-7zip: Compression Ratingcompress-7zip: Decompression Ratingcompress-lz4: 1 - Compression Speedcompress-lz4: 1 - Decompression Speedcompress-lz4: 2 - Compression Speedcompress-lz4: 2 - Decompression Speedcompress-lz4: 3 - Compression Speedcompress-lz4: 3 - Decompression Speedcompress-lz4: 9 - Compression Speedcompress-lz4: 9 - Decompression Speedcompress-lz4: 12 - Compression Speedcompress-lz4: 12 - Decompression Speedcompress-pbzip2: FreeBSD-13.0-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img Compressiondacapobench: Eclipsedacapobench: Avrora AVR Simulation Frameworkdacapobench: Batik SVG Toolkitdacapobench: FOP Print Formatterdacapobench: PMD Source Code Analyzerdacapobench: Apache Tomcatdacapobench: Apache Xalan XSLTdacapobench: Apache Lucene Search Indexdacapobench: Apache Lucene Search Enginedacapobench: H2 Database Enginedacapobench: Jythondacapobench: Tradebeansdacapobench: Tradesoapdacapobench: BioJava Biological Data Frameworkdacapobench: GraphChidacapobench: H2O In-Memory Platform For Machine Learningdacapobench: jMonkeyEnginedacapobench: Apache Kafkadacapobench: Spring Bootdacapobench: Zxing 1D/2D Barcode Image Processingdraco: Church Facadedraco: Lionencode-opus: WAV To Opus Encodeencode-wavpack: WAV To WavPackgraphics-magick: HWB Color Spacegraphics-magick: Noise-Gaussiangraphics-magick: Enhancedgraphics-magick: Resizinggraphics-magick: Rotategraphics-magick: Sharpengraphics-magick: Swirlgromacs: MPI CPU - water_GMX50_barejava-scimark2: Compositejava-scimark2: Fast Fourier Transformjava-scimark2: Jacobi Successive Over-Relaxationjava-scimark2: Monte Carlojava-scimark2: Sparse Matrix Multiplyjava-scimark2: Dense LU Matrix Factorizationjpegxl: JPEG - 80jpegxl: JPEG - 90jpegxl: PNG - 80jpegxl: PNG - 90jpegxl-decode: 1jpegxl-decode: Alllitert: Mobilenet Floatlitert: Mobilenet Quantlitert: NASNet Mobilelitert: SqueezeNetlitert: Inception ResNet V2litert: Inception V4litert: Quantized COCO SSD MobileNet v1litert: DeepLab V3mt-dgemm: Sustained Floating-Point Rateopenssl: RSA4096openssl: RSA4096openssl: SHA256openssl: SHA512openssl: AES-128-GCMopenssl: AES-256-GCMopenssl: ChaCha20openssl: ChaCha20-Poly1305primesieve: 1e12pyperformance: async_tree_iopyperformance: asyncio_tcp_sslpyperformance: asyncio_websocketspyperformance: chaospyperformance: crypto_pyaespyperformance: django_templatepyperformance: floatpyperformance: gc_collectpyperformance: gopyperformance: json_loadspyperformance: nbodypyperformance: pathlibpyperformance: pickle_pure_pythonpyperformance: python_startuppyperformance: raytracepyperformance: regex_compilepyperformance: xml_etreerenaissance: Apache Spark Bayesrenaissance: Apache Spark PageRankrenaissance: Savina Reactors.IOrenaissance: Akka Unbalanced Cobwebbed Treerenaissance: Rand Forestrenaissance: In-Memory Database Shootoutrenaissance: Scala Dottyrenaissance: Finagle HTTP Requestsrenaissance: Genetic Algorithm Using Jenetics + Futuresrenaissance: ALS Movie Lensrenaissance: Gaussian Mixture Modelrocksdb: Rand Readrocksdb: Read While Writingrocksdb: Read Rand Write Randrocksdb: Update Randsimdjson: PartialTweetssimdjson: LargeRandsimdjson: Kostyasimdjson: DistinctUserIDsimdjson: TopTweetspeedb: Rand Readspeedb: Read While Writingspeedb: Read Rand Write Randspeedb: Update Randstress-ng: Memory Copyingstress-ng: CPU Cachesvt-av1: Preset 13 - Bosphorus 1080psvt-av1: Preset 8 - Bosphorus 1080psvt-av1: Preset 5 - Bosphorus 1080psvt-av1: Preset 3 - Bosphorus 1080pvvenc: Bosphorus 1080p - Fastvvenc: Bosphorus 1080p - Fasterwebp: Defaultwebp: Quality 100webp: Quality 100, Highest Compressionwebp: Quality 100, Losslesswebp: Quality 100, Lossless, Highest Compressionz3: 1.smt2z3: 2.smt2openssl: SHA256openssl: SHA512openssl: AES-128-GCMopenssl: AES-256-GCMopenssl: ChaCha20openssl: ChaCha20-Poly1305Raspberry Pi 4007.45082.86080.37340.05210.032186.674101.04936.6301003.7889.4409.62158.1461050.8157061.265702.3021624.0753874.09876847567.712901.41726166.12316295.31030.5304178.0544573.03917313027.63797619432.689442277746557672193.44971.775.03790.933.01784.211.20770.83.68767.9190.40959263560101326524824127488514941107018830381985973521599315902353430889292892051174953538537631141122674817316130.145177.108347410225110.055324.2052.39558.44397.78314.36272.951.7621.6881.7261.6457.50124.51070036.225626.793789.877879.71058307116218335421.380758.916.574452115.48894.443899225750430418728377825323858517016275030031289696960847.4665.5448.51.743002841933129.1258881.032897.91.5234.81.3153528194206.938261.241198.751799.110911.346479.956175.144146.86810.165444.557868.24562744216540198957535690.660.250.580.670.67467538745426321181552903391.52205350.3918.9955.0801.6790.4740.4961.0493.782.601.150.290.11141.034808.48142155625348571798028221239723783733316268087771289286723OpenBenchmarking.org

ASTC Encoder

OpenBenchmarking.orgMT/s, More Is BetterASTC Encoder 5.0Preset: FastRaspberry Pi 400246810SE +/- 0.0160, N = 37.45081. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -flto -pthread

OpenBenchmarking.orgMT/s, More Is BetterASTC Encoder 5.0Preset: MediumRaspberry Pi 4000.64371.28741.93112.57483.2185SE +/- 0.0055, N = 32.86081. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -flto -pthread

OpenBenchmarking.orgMT/s, More Is BetterASTC Encoder 5.0Preset: ThoroughRaspberry Pi 4000.0840.1680.2520.3360.42SE +/- 0.0009, N = 30.37341. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -flto -pthread

OpenBenchmarking.orgMT/s, More Is BetterASTC Encoder 5.0Preset: Very ThoroughRaspberry Pi 4000.01170.02340.03510.04680.0585SE +/- 0.0001, N = 30.05211. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -flto -pthread

OpenBenchmarking.orgMT/s, More Is BetterASTC Encoder 5.0Preset: ExhaustiveRaspberry Pi 4000.00720.01440.02160.02880.036SE +/- 0.0000, N = 30.03211. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -flto -pthread

libavif avifenc

This is a test of the AOMedia libavif library testing the encoding of a JPEG image to AV1 Image Format (AVIF). Learn more via the OpenBenchmarking.org test page.

Encoder Speed: 0

Raspberry Pi 400: The test quit with a non-zero exit status.

Encoder Speed: 2

Raspberry Pi 400: The test quit with a non-zero exit status.

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is Betterlibavif avifenc 1.0Encoder Speed: 6Raspberry Pi 40020406080100SE +/- 0.35, N = 386.671. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -fPIC -lm

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is Betterlibavif avifenc 1.0Encoder Speed: 6, LosslessRaspberry Pi 40020406080100SE +/- 0.87, N = 15101.051. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -fPIC -lm

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is Betterlibavif avifenc 1.0Encoder Speed: 10, LosslessRaspberry Pi 400816243240SE +/- 0.81, N = 1536.631. (CXX) g++ options: -O3 -fPIC -lm


C-Blosc (c-blosc2) simple, compressed, fast and persistent data store library for C that focuses on compression of binary data. Learn more via the OpenBenchmarking.org test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgMB/s, More Is BetterC-Blosc 2.11Test: blosclz shuffle - Buffer Size: 8MBRaspberry Pi 4002004006008001000SE +/- 2.19, N = 31003.71. (CC) gcc options: -std=gnu99 -O3 -ldl -lrt -lm

OpenBenchmarking.orgMB/s, More Is BetterC-Blosc 2.11Test: blosclz noshuffle - Buffer Size: 8MBRaspberry Pi 4002004006008001000SE +/- 2.67, N = 3889.41. (CC) gcc options: -std=gnu99 -O3 -ldl -lrt -lm

OpenBenchmarking.orgMB/s, More Is BetterC-Blosc 2.11Test: blosclz bitshuffle - Buffer Size: 8MBRaspberry Pi 40090180270360450SE +/- 1.77, N = 3409.61. (CC) gcc options: -std=gnu99 -O3 -ldl -lrt -lm

Timed Eigen Compilation

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterTimed Eigen Compilation 3.4.0Time To CompileRaspberry Pi 4005001000150020002500SE +/- 1.13, N = 32158.15

Timed FFmpeg Compilation

This test times how long it takes to build the FFmpeg multimedia library. Learn more via the OpenBenchmarking.org test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterTimed FFmpeg Compilation 7.0Time To CompileRaspberry Pi 4002004006008001000SE +/- 1.55, N = 31050.82

Timed Linux Kernel Compilation

This test times how long it takes to build the Linux kernel in a default configuration (defconfig) for the architecture being tested or alternatively an allmodconfig for building all possible kernel modules for the build. Learn more via the OpenBenchmarking.org test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterTimed Linux Kernel Compilation 6.8Build: defconfigRaspberry Pi 40015003000450060007500SE +/- 32.81, N = 37061.27

Timed Mesa Compilation

This test profile times how long it takes to compile Mesa with Meson/Ninja. For minimizing build dependencies and avoid versioning conflicts, test this is just the core Mesa build without LLVM or the extra Gallium3D/Mesa drivers enabled. Learn more via the OpenBenchmarking.org test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterTimed Mesa Compilation 24.0Time To CompileRaspberry Pi 400150300450600750SE +/- 5.39, N = 3702.30

Timed Node.js Compilation

This test profile times how long it takes to build/compile Node.js itself from source. Node.js is a JavaScript run-time built from the Chrome V8 JavaScript engine while itself is written in C/C++. Learn more via the OpenBenchmarking.org test page.

Time To Compile

Raspberry Pi 400: The test quit with a non-zero exit status. E: g++: fatal error: Killed signal terminated program cc1plus

Timed PHP Compilation

This test times how long it takes to build PHP. Learn more via the OpenBenchmarking.org test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterTimed PHP Compilation 8.3.4Time To CompileRaspberry Pi 40030060090012001500SE +/- 3.48, N = 31624.08


OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterBuild2 0.17Time To CompileRaspberry Pi 4008001600240032004000SE +/- 0.40, N = 33874.10

BYTE Unix Benchmark

OpenBenchmarking.orgLPS, More Is BetterBYTE Unix Benchmark 5.1.3-gitComputational Test: Dhrystone 2Raspberry Pi 40016M32M48M64M80MSE +/- 23572.27, N = 376847567.71. (CC) gcc options: -pedantic -O3 -ffast-math -march=native -mtune=native -lm

OpenBenchmarking.orgMWIPS, More Is BetterBYTE Unix Benchmark 5.1.3-gitComputational Test: Whetstone DoubleRaspberry Pi 4003K6K9K12K15KSE +/- 0.12, N = 312901.41. (CC) gcc options: -pedantic -O3 -ffast-math -march=native -mtune=native -lm

OpenBenchmarking.orgLPS, More Is BetterBYTE Unix Benchmark 5.1.3-gitComputational Test: System CallRaspberry Pi 400400K800K1200K1600K2000KSE +/- 613.89, N = 31726166.11. (CC) gcc options: -pedantic -O3 -ffast-math -march=native -mtune=native -lm

OpenBenchmarking.orgLPS, More Is BetterBYTE Unix Benchmark 5.1.3-gitComputational Test: PipeRaspberry Pi 400500K1000K1500K2000K2500KSE +/- 3531.66, N = 32316295.31. (CC) gcc options: -pedantic -O3 -ffast-math -march=native -mtune=native -lm


OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterC-Ray 2.0Resolution: 1080p - Rays Per Pixel: 16Raspberry Pi 4002004006008001000SE +/- 6.23, N = 31030.531. (CC) gcc options: -lpthread -lm

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterC-Ray 2.0Resolution: 4K - Rays Per Pixel: 16Raspberry Pi 4009001800270036004500SE +/- 16.26, N = 34178.051. (CC) gcc options: -lpthread -lm


This is a performance test of CacheBench, which is part of LLCbench. CacheBench is designed to test the memory and cache bandwidth performance Learn more via the OpenBenchmarking.org test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgMB/s, More Is BetterCacheBenchTest: ReadRaspberry Pi 40010002000300040005000SE +/- 0.38, N = 34573.04MIN: 4560.27 / MAX: 4573.811. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -lrt

OpenBenchmarking.orgMB/s, More Is BetterCacheBenchTest: WriteRaspberry Pi 4003K6K9K12K15KSE +/- 4.77, N = 313027.64MIN: 11542.85 / MAX: 13616.431. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -lrt

OpenBenchmarking.orgMB/s, More Is BetterCacheBenchTest: Read / Modify / WriteRaspberry Pi 4004K8K12K16K20KSE +/- 15.81, N = 319432.69MIN: 17955.33 / MAX: 20427.011. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -lrt

Apache Cassandra

OpenBenchmarking.orgOp/s, More Is BetterApache Cassandra 5.0Test: WritesRaspberry Pi 4006001200180024003000SE +/- 43.60, N = 122777

7-Zip Compression

OpenBenchmarking.orgMIPS, More Is Better7-Zip Compression 24.05Test: Compression RatingRaspberry Pi 40010002000300040005000SE +/- 55.34, N = 346551. (CXX) g++ options: -lpthread -ldl -O2 -fPIC

OpenBenchmarking.orgMIPS, More Is Better7-Zip Compression 24.05Test: Decompression RatingRaspberry Pi 40016003200480064008000SE +/- 6.77, N = 376721. (CXX) g++ options: -lpthread -ldl -O2 -fPIC

LZ4 Compression

OpenBenchmarking.orgMB/s, More Is BetterLZ4 Compression 1.10Compression Level: 1 - Compression SpeedRaspberry Pi 4004080120160200SE +/- 1.36, N = 3193.441. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -pthread

OpenBenchmarking.orgMB/s, More Is BetterLZ4 Compression 1.10Compression Level: 1 - Decompression SpeedRaspberry Pi 4002004006008001000SE +/- 1.40, N = 3971.71. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -pthread

OpenBenchmarking.orgMB/s, More Is BetterLZ4 Compression 1.10Compression Level: 2 - Compression SpeedRaspberry Pi 40020406080100SE +/- 0.01, N = 375.031. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -pthread

OpenBenchmarking.orgMB/s, More Is BetterLZ4 Compression 1.10Compression Level: 2 - Decompression SpeedRaspberry Pi 4002004006008001000SE +/- 0.24, N = 3790.91. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -pthread

OpenBenchmarking.orgMB/s, More Is BetterLZ4 Compression 1.10Compression Level: 3 - Compression SpeedRaspberry Pi 400816243240SE +/- 0.01, N = 333.011. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -pthread

OpenBenchmarking.orgMB/s, More Is BetterLZ4 Compression 1.10Compression Level: 3 - Decompression SpeedRaspberry Pi 4002004006008001000SE +/- 0.59, N = 3784.21. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -pthread

OpenBenchmarking.orgMB/s, More Is BetterLZ4 Compression 1.10Compression Level: 9 - Compression SpeedRaspberry Pi 4003691215SE +/- 0.00, N = 311.201. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -pthread

OpenBenchmarking.orgMB/s, More Is BetterLZ4 Compression 1.10Compression Level: 9 - Decompression SpeedRaspberry Pi 400170340510680850SE +/- 2.56, N = 3770.81. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -pthread

OpenBenchmarking.orgMB/s, More Is BetterLZ4 Compression 1.10Compression Level: 12 - Compression SpeedRaspberry Pi 4000.8281.6562.4843.3124.14SE +/- 0.00, N = 33.681. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -pthread

OpenBenchmarking.orgMB/s, More Is BetterLZ4 Compression 1.10Compression Level: 12 - Decompression SpeedRaspberry Pi 400170340510680850SE +/- 0.33, N = 3767.91. (CC) gcc options: -O3 -pthread

Parallel BZIP2 Compression

This test measures the time needed to compress a file (FreeBSD-13.0-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img) using Parallel BZIP2 compression. Learn more via the OpenBenchmarking.org test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgSeconds, Fewer Is BetterParallel BZIP2 Compression 1.1.13FreeBSD-13.0-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img CompressionRaspberry Pi 4004080120160200SE +/- 1.83, N = 12190.411. (CXX) g++ options: -O2 -pthread -lbz2 -lpthread

DaCapo Benchmark

This test runs the DaCapo Benchmarks written in Java and intended to test system/CPU performance of various popular real-world Java workloads. Learn more via the OpenBenchmarking.org test page.

OpenBenchmarking.orgmsec, Fewer Is BetterDaCapo Benchmark 23.11Java Test: EclipseRaspberry Pi 40014K28K42K56K70KSE +/- 1618.15, N = 963560

OpenBenchmarking.orgmsec, Fewer Is BetterDaCapo Benchmark 23.11Java Test: Avrora AVR Simulation FrameworkRaspberry Pi 4002K4K6K8K10KSE +/- 13.38, N = 310132

OpenBenchmarking.orgmsec, Fewer Is BetterDaCapo Benchmark 23.11Java Test: Batik SVG ToolkitRaspberry Pi 40014002800420056007000SE +/- 91.30, N = 36524